

Sweet little Bentlee!

Sweet little Bentlee!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer time and the living is......

Well not easy if thats what you thought I was going to put, especially if you are 7 months pregnant!! Today has been one of the worst so far, My feet and ankles have been so stinking swollen that it has literally made me sick to feel them!! I feel like I can feel them jiggle when I walk and that to me is just simply not ok. On another note I have 72 more days to go until I can officially have our sweet little Bentlee here. Oh yes I am counting down, I have even thought about making a count down chain and take a ring off every day that goes by like we use to when we were in elementary school. Paityn has been trying to persuade me that we should not name the baby Bentlee like Douglas and I want too, But that we should name her Peacock like she thinks.... Umm really Peacock?? When she informed me of this I just about died laughing. Oh what a child, She keeps us on our toes that is for sure. She is such a good little girl and is always wanting to entertain and keep everyone happy!! Douglas just got back from his first real ride of the summer and has complained about how he is to old for this and how sore he is. Even though he complains I know that he loved every min of his day out on his bike with his friends. I'm glad that her has his bike to help him with the stress of his job and everything else going on. As for me I have been having some major anxiety about having this baby and then anxiety just in general.. Its getting worse every day I swear.. I could so go for a nice relaxing vacation right about now, But sadly I dont see that happening anytime in the near future. So I will hang in there (not that I really have much of a choice) and try to keep my sanity from day to day!!