

Sweet little Bentlee!

Sweet little Bentlee!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grandpa Jones

This past week has been a very hard one for me! A week ago today I was sitting here working on some stuff and I got a phone call from my mom telling me that my dear Grandpa Jones had just passed away. I was in complete shock, We had just seen him 2 weeks before at Bentlee's blessing and he seemed to be doing ok. He has struggled with some health issues and broken bones over the last couple years but I think I had just made up my mind that there was no way he would be going anywhere so soon. I have been heartbroken he has been a major part in my life and been the best grandpa anyone could ever ask for! He was so loving and willing to help any and everyone! Everyone who knew him loved him and had been touched by some lesson that they had learned from him in their lives. He was always routing for everyone weather they be the all star or the under dog. He was an avid baseball fan and loved to go and support the local high school team! He loved his grandkids unconditionally and thats really all we could have ever asked for! I will miss him every day that he is gone until I get to see him again. It breaks my heart to think of Grandma up in their house all by herself! But she is one of the strongest women I have ever known!! I am blessed with amazing granparents!!!
Grandpa Jones is on the end on the right side!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bentlee D Christensen

I thought it might be a good idea to finally make a post about my sweet little angel Bentlee!! She finally made it here safe and sound. She was born @ 8:30 a.m. on the 21st of September, She weighed 8'8 and was 22 in long. She is absolutely perfect and so beautiful!!! She def already has her daddy right where she wants him. Doug has been so cute and so good with helping already. Paityn loves her new baby sister so much as well! She is always wanting to help me feed, change or bathe her. I was a little worried that she would have a really hard time with the change, But for the most part she has been awesome!! I am healing as best as I can, I still have my days where I do not feel good and hurt.. But for the most part I am doing great!! I am so in love with my life and would not change anything about it!! I have a very handsome and amazing husband, 2 beautiful girls what more could I ask for!!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

25 Years.....

Well today is my 25th Birthday and it has made me think about alot of different things. Like where I thought I would be at this age when I was younger and where I actually am in life. I have to say that for the first time in my 25 years of life I can honestly and truely say that I am content and happy!! I would not change anything right now for what I thought I might have wanted when I was younger, I have the most amazing and loving husband any girl could ever ask for and a beautiful crazy little girl who keeps me busy and drives me crazy all at the same time but I wouldnt change her for the world, I have another sweet little girl who will be here in 9 days and I cant wait to see her and hold her!! I love my family so much, They mean the absolute world to me!! I have the best parents that anyone could ever ask for. They do so much to help us and I appreciate them so very, very much!!! I was also blessed with marrying into a great family and have the greatest in laws ever!! I love them both so very much and also appreciate everything they do for us!! I wouldnt trade my life for anyone elses. I am so happy and blessed to be where I am in life right now and think that finally at 25 I am at a good place in life and that alone if you knew the old me is an amazing accomplishment in itself. It makes me sad that it took me so long to get to where I am at and to pull my head out and realize what is really important in life. I guess all I can do now is make sure that the next 25 are spent furthering myself from where I am at now!! Life is a bittersweet and wonderful journey and I cant wait to see what the rest of life has in store!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

21 Days!!!!

September is finally here!!! That means that my sweet little Bentlee will be here in 21 days and I couldnt be happier about it. I am so excited to see her and hold her finally after 9 very long months. It seems like we still have so much to do and buy before she gets here and I honestly dont know when I will have the time do everything, it makes me a little anxious to think about all of it. Paityn is so excited to see he baby sister and to play barbies with her haha. She doesnt fully understand that Bentlee wont be doing much playing for a long time like she wants her too. Douglas is excited but you can tell that he is still nervous and not quite sure what to think about all of this!! The countdown is officially on and I am soooo excited!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer time and the living is......

Well not easy if thats what you thought I was going to put, especially if you are 7 months pregnant!! Today has been one of the worst so far, My feet and ankles have been so stinking swollen that it has literally made me sick to feel them!! I feel like I can feel them jiggle when I walk and that to me is just simply not ok. On another note I have 72 more days to go until I can officially have our sweet little Bentlee here. Oh yes I am counting down, I have even thought about making a count down chain and take a ring off every day that goes by like we use to when we were in elementary school. Paityn has been trying to persuade me that we should not name the baby Bentlee like Douglas and I want too, But that we should name her Peacock like she thinks.... Umm really Peacock?? When she informed me of this I just about died laughing. Oh what a child, She keeps us on our toes that is for sure. She is such a good little girl and is always wanting to entertain and keep everyone happy!! Douglas just got back from his first real ride of the summer and has complained about how he is to old for this and how sore he is. Even though he complains I know that he loved every min of his day out on his bike with his friends. I'm glad that her has his bike to help him with the stress of his job and everything else going on. As for me I have been having some major anxiety about having this baby and then anxiety just in general.. Its getting worse every day I swear.. I could so go for a nice relaxing vacation right about now, But sadly I dont see that happening anytime in the near future. So I will hang in there (not that I really have much of a choice) and try to keep my sanity from day to day!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just an update or two....

To start off it was Paityns birthday yesterday, She turned 4 and I honestly cant believe that my baby girl is that old already!! It makes me so sad that she is growing up so fast! She also started swimming lessons yesterday and loves every min of it, THe child has no fear what so ever.. She jumps right in and doesnt even hesitate. Bentlee will for sure be here on September 21st, My doctor scheduled the c-section already so I am super excited for her to get here!!! She is such an active little thing constantly kicking the crap out of me and rolling around. Doug is still doing great at his job and seems to be really liking it up here. I am doing as good as a 6 almost 7 month pregnant women can be! I am huge and only getting bigger.. Thats really all that has been happening lately, The next time something happens I will be sure to update you all!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And the baby is.......

So we had our appointment for the ultra sound yesterday morning, And we are going to be having another little girl!!!! We are so excited! Bentlee Christensen is due on September 24th but I will have her a week early since I will be having a C-Section. Guess the Chinese prediction chart was wrong this time. Bentlee not to my surprise was a little stinker during the ultra sound and would not cooperate at all. She had her legs crossed as tight as they would go and she was not going to show us anything!! Finally after taking a trip to the restroom, She pulled a Brittney Spears and flashed us long enough for the doctor to see that she in fact was a girl. I called to tell Paityn and she said "but mom I told you that I wanted a baby brother". I told her that this baby was a girl and now she would have someone to play dress up with. "fine, but once my baby sister grows up then can you have a baby brother". I cracked up and told her I would see what we could do. Bentlee is absolutely perfect and was a very healthy little girl! She has long legs like her momma (which really is not a huge surprise if you have seen Paityn.) I cant wait for her to get here so I can see her!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baby predictions

A friend at church told me today about this Chinese prediction chart and how accurate it is suppose to be. You basically get on go to the age you will be when you have the baby and the month you concieved and it will tell you what you are "going" to have. Well according to the chart it says that this baby should be a boy...... Not to sure what I think about that, Of coarse I will love it either way but im not sure if I will know what to do with a boy. I looked it up to see if it was right about Paityn and it was, So I guess that we will have to wait a couple more weeks to find out for sure!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today I found out that 2 friends that I went to high school with both died. They themselves were friends which is even more sad, especially that Trent died on the way home from the other ones funeral.It made me start thinking about how much I take forgranted every day. When I talk to my family or friends I never stop to think that this could be one of the last times I ever get to see them or talk to them, I just assume that they will always be here. But that is so not the case, Life is fical and fragile here one day and gone the next. It breaks my heart for these two familes such great young men gone way before they ever should have been!! It also makes me want all of you to know how much I truely do love and appreciate you all. I know that I dont say it nearly enough and thats my bad for not making sure everyone knows how much they mean to me. What if I dont say I love you to Douglas before he goes to work and that was my last chance too? I would never forgive myself for not telling him how much he truely means to me and how much I love and appreciate the good man that he is! I sometimes get annoyed with how much Paityn will tell me in a day how much she loves me, How dumb am I?? Seriously I should take it and enjoy it always! She is such an amazing little girl and such a true example to me on how life should be lived, And that is to the very fullest!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Updates and News....

Ok well since that it has been a while since I was on here and posted anything, I thought maybe that I would update you all about what has been going on in our crazy lives. We got moved back to Box Elder county finally on January 9th and have been loving every min of being back and our new house!! Its so nice and cozy!! Much better than the single wide in freaking Wendover!! (Ugh I seriously never go back there unless I absolutely have too!!) Douglas has really liked working up here so far and seems to really like all of the guys on his crew. It took him a couple days to get use to the new area and actually having other guys on at the same time that he is. Paityn has been so happy about living closer to Mema and Papa and all of our other family memebers. We also just found out that we are going to be having another baby in September, I am super excited about it but have been so sick with this baby. I dont ever remember feeling like this when I was pregnant with Paityn. Doug is a little nervous about it but seems to be excited as well. Paityn is excited as long as it will be a girl, She is disgusted with the thought of having a little brother. I try to tell her that having a little brother will be fun because then she wont have to share her toys or clothes, She really doesnt seem to mind the thought of sharing. She tells me all the time that her baby sister can sleep in her old crib and wear her clothes and play with her toys. She even told me that she would get her baby sister out of the crib!!! (Oh PLEASE NO!!!) It will be an adjustment for her but it will be a good one!! Well thats really all that I can think of at the moment to update you with.

Monday, January 4, 2010


So its finally real to me that we get to move at the end of the week. I cant wait!! I can honestly say that I will never ever come back to Wendover unless I am drugged and thrown into a trunk of a car. It will be nice to be able to be closer to family and friends and actually be in civilization!!! Paityn will be so happy to be back closer to her mema and papa and now grandma Karen and grandpa Curtis!! Douglas will be glad to finally be out of here after 3 1/2 years lol, I have no idea how he has lived out here for as long as he has!! He must be insane or really love his job haha!!